Sarah's Priorities
As a City Council member in Washington’s second-largest city, I deal with many serious and important issues that I care deeply about. While I have many legislative priorities in Tacoma, these four are the top priorities that I will focus on in a second term.
Housing & Homelessness
Homelessness is one of the most pressing and important challenges our city faces. Serving on the Associated Ministries Board for six years reinforced my belief that housing is not just a privilege - it’s a right! It is unacceptable that so many of our community members are experiencing homelessness and I am committed to creative, affordable, and pragmatic solutions that will keep people in their homes and safe. While on the council, I have had the opportunity to be a member of Pierce County’s select committee on homelessness and work with cities across the county to find solutions. Before I was on the city council, I worked on the Human Rights Commission and with the Housing Equity Task Force to help develop the Home in Tacoma Project to build thousands of units of affordable housing. I am proud of the work that we have done to build more affordable housing in Tacoma and have advocated for more funding for shelters, resources, and support for those experiencing homelessness in our city. I am committed to continue bringing affordable housing to Tacoma and to continue supporting our homeless community and working to house them.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
We cannot talk about homelessness without discussing domestic abuse, sexual assault, and mental health. Sexual trauma is one of the most significant indicators of future homelessness, job loss, and family violence. These issues are all interlocking, and to effectively address homelessness we must make significant efforts to prevent domestic abuse and sexual assault in Tacoma. As the chair of the Crystal Judson Family Justice Center for the past two years, I have worked to get additional resources and funding for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault throughout the county. I will continue to champion this issue and fight for additional funding and resources to protect people and prevent homelessness and violence.
Community Safety
Addressing homelessness and preventing domestic and sexual violence are important aspects of community safety, but there are other important components that I believe are needed to truly create a safer Tacoma. I am proud to have supported reducing our speed limits to protect kids commuting to school, visiting friends, or just playing around. I also supported more overtime for our firefighters in the city budget. Supporting these essential workers is good for everyone. 911 services should be available to everyone when they are needed. Creating a safer Tacoma will require creative solutions that center people. As the chair of our council’s Community, Vitality, and Safety Committee, I lead my colleagues in creating policy on issues related to community safety: police and fire, homeless prevention, civil and human rights compliance, mental health services, social service programs, neighborhood council review and updates, and youth violence. I am committed to continue working to make a safer Tacoma for all.
Tree Canopy
Climate change and global warming present a serious threat to the safety and health of our communities here in Tacoma. As a long-time advocate for environmental action, I believe that expanding our tree canopy to 30% by 2030 will not only provide beautiful greenery, but also make a healthier, safer Tacoma by improving the air quality, reducing temperatures, and preserving our environment. With my background in city planning, I have the necessary skills to advocate for changes and improvements to our city codes and plans to make a greener, healthier, and safer Tacoma.